Suttons Radio silence… for the time being

When will much anticipated new watering hole crackle into life?

Suttons Radio on Lewisham High Street
On Lewisham High Street you can just make out the outline of the old Suttons Radio shop front

The launch party invites were being prepared back in June. The site, flanked by a betting shop and Poundworld on a busy stretch of Lewisham High Street, was a hive of activity.

And anticipation was rising for the latest South-east London branch of the Antic pub empire, at least in the Lewisham Lately household.

Farewell old Antic favourite at the Ravensbourne Arms, greetings new watering hole in temptingly easy-to-reach location.

And since then… pretty much nothing from Suttons Radio, so named for the preserved old shop signage unveiled when workers began stripping back the late, unlamented Market Tavern. Silence on social media. Little sign of movement behind the steel doors and frosted glass (and yes, we peer through almost every time we go by).

What’s going on, we asked the Antic press office. Would we ever see the late-opening three-storey pub, restaurant and rooftop bar that the official plans suggest?

Structural work needed to be carried out, I was told – and it was a “rather large” job that had taken a lot longer than anticipated.

But hadn’t work simply ground to a halt most of the summer, I wondered.

“Don’t worry it’s coming,” I was reassured. It was definitely “in the pipeline for the coming months” – and Suttons Radio’s Twitter account would crackle into life again once there was news to share.

So, there you have it. Kind of. Suttons Radio is coming to Lewisham high street at some indefinite point in the future. Probably. Just don’t expect news to be, er, broadcast any time soon.

Author: lewishamlately

I'm Jolyon and I started Lewisham Lately after fretting about the lack of news coverage for the borough. I have lived in south-east London for the majority of my adult life, including Camberwell, Peckham followed by the leafier realms of Hither Green from 2009. Now on the fringe of Lee Green and Lewisham Central. Feedback, story ideas, corrections, disagreements are all more than welcome. Please do keep it civil, though - the world's an angry enough place as it is.

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